Energy Management and Water Efficiency
We have adopted as our main objective to share our experience in the field of renewable energy with all institutions and investors who want to become investors in the same field in our country and to support our business partners in their investment processes from the perspective of efficiency and productivity.
Our EPC services in the field of renewable energy contribute to the realization of our country's universal sustainability goals and also directly affect the commercial gains of investors. As Naturel Enerji, it provides operation and maintenance services to the power plants that produce electricity from renewable energy in 2085 MWP Solar Energy project development, 320 MWp EPC project and 144 MWp.
In order to fight against erosion and protect our natural assets in Turkey, we have cooperated with the TEMA VAKFI. In 2022, we undertake to encourage our employees to participate in the theme of "we are united for nature" on a voluntary basis and to triple the donation amounts in 2022. In accordance with the first article of our Environment and Energy policy and the second article of our total waste recycling policy, we contribute to recycling by separating our wastes in order to increase recycling and recycling within the framework of our protocol with the municipality. Activities are carried out in a way that minimum waste will be generated. It is committed that zero waste policy will be adopted as of 2025.
We are aiming to decrease our energy consumption by %5 percent in 2023.
Click here for our Environment and Energy Policy.
We are trying to contribute to the efficient use of water resources, which are among the decreasing natural resources. Within the scope of the water policy, measures are taken both in the fields and in the administrative offices to reduce water use, and our staff are also informed. The main consumption in our company is in administrative buildings and necessary information is provided about the use of water by our personnel. In 2022, 272,232 lt of water was used.
Our company offers renewable energy solutions to its customers to provide their own electricity production. The most important water use area in the solar power plant is panel cleaning. Power plant energy production monitoring systems are used to clean the panel in the optimum time. In addition , panel cleaning works are carried out as subcontractors through Angora Electricity, one of our group's companies. Angora Elektrik has been instructed as follows: "We would like to thank you for the sensitivity you will show in performing panel cleaning in our sites within the scope of Maintenance and Repair Services we have received from your company, taking into account the existing Environmental and Energy policies of our company, in order not to perform panel cleaning more than once in total throughout the year within the scope of water efficiency and again to perform panel cleaning with fully automatic robots using minimum level of water and without using chemical products, and we hope that our business partnership will continue increasingly."