Our Suppliers
One of the most important points of our sustainability strategy is to provide solutions to our customers and to lead the processes of transition to a more sustainable future. In this direction, we are trying to minimize the environmental impacts of our suppliers in the process of providing solutions.
Within the scope of the environmental impact reduction supplier policy, suppliers are evaluated to ensure that the packaging of the products purchased within the scope of EPC projects and repair and maintenance services are environmentally friendly/sustainable, and as a result of this evaluation, the use of the relevant packaging is one of the reasons for preference if it is environmentally friendly. With this policy, it is planned to contribute to environmental indicators through our suppliers and it is aimed to reduce our impact on environmental pollution by making the packaging reusable environmentally friendly.
The Company undertakes to provide trainings in order to prevent pollution at its source and reduce environmental risks, to reduce the environmental impact of our products with a life-cycle approach, to use energy and natural resources responsibly and efficiently, and to increase environmental awareness of our employees, suppliers and society, performs auditing and continuous improvement in order to establish the environmental awareness of our employees, suppliers and society and mobilizes its resources and opportunities by effectively implementing management systems with the aim of controlling and improving both inputs and outputs, includes environmental awareness in supplier selection and evaluation processes, conducts research on environmental approaches in the purchasing process, adds environmental criteria to supplier selection criteria, and evaluates environmental impact performances. Environmental impact reduction supplier policy is also considered within the scope of UN Global Compact's Human Rights, Environmental and Anti-Corruption Policy.
We undertake to mobilize our resources and facilities by effectively implementing integrated management systems in order to add environmental criteria to the supplier selection criteria, to evaluate environmental impact performances, and preferably to select suppliers with relevant ISO certificates. Evaluation of environmental impact performances, preferably suppliers with ISO 14001-ISO 5001 similar certificates are preferred. By 2023, we undertake that 80% of our suppliers will be preferred in accordance with these criteria. Within the scope of environmental impact reduction supplier policy, suppliers are also evaluated in this context according to environmental criteria. In addition, in the supply of panels covering 70% of the technical personnel solar energy projects, the supplier visits the manufacturer's site, evaluates the production line within the environmental scope, and we check ISO and environmental documents.
Click to access Environmental Impact Reduction Supplier Policy.
Click here to access to the Supply Chain Employee OHS Policy.